
9 charts you should share with progressives aka communists
National Enquirer reporting Scalia murdered by a hooker
National Buffoons Vacation
What Happened at a College Democrat Bake Sale LOL
Book Reading On the Future of the Republic of the United States
The Difference Between Republican Women and Democrat Women Explained Fully In Just One Image
Facts Five Years of Obama
Truth will ultimately prevail George Washington Quote
Yes You Can wear beards dress modestly reject modern society without strapping explosives to your children
Daniel Swift quote When a true genius appears
Worshipping the golden calf Some things never change
Chuck Woolery on NSA and Government Spying
Gun free zone Piles of dead bodies
There is a plot in this country to enslave every man woman and child JFK Quote
AFter validating the legitimacy of the government sprinkles decided to become his own master
Planned Parenthood Clump of Cells  = Clump of Sells
Obama does not negotiate with terrorists he just gives them what they want
Top 5 Signs of a False Flag Terror Attack
Martin Luther King Jr's Quote About Hitler
Vietnam Regugees
Will you sign my petition demanding new shackles
Benjamin Franklin VS Barack Obama on Liberty and Safety
NY City Gun Confiscation Letter
Amnesty is not the way
If you elect Democrats you Get California and Detroit
The American Patriot
John Boehner Models the New Republican Party Logo
When Did It Become The Senate's Full Time Job To Protect The Presidents Crimes and Not Pass a Budget?
The 7 Dangers to Human Virtue
If socialists understood economics they would not be socialists Friedrich Von Hayek quote
Dont assume my gender on mothers day
The Safe Family Gun Guide
IDB TIPP Poll Democrats Alternate Universe
obama eric and sharpton grab the popcorn to watch Ferguson riots
How much does it cost to buy government positions from the Democrats
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