The two enemies of the people are criminals and government Thomas Jefferson Quote
NASA A Train Satellite Surveillance
Momma mash up
8-1-13 The Storm Moves In
Personal Freedom Rankings 2014
MilkyWay over Devils Tower WY
Voting Liberal - Well Illustrated
Joe Strummer of The Clash - Photo by Pennie Smith
Andele Obamanistas Catch and Release Immigration Policy
Calm Alpine Lake
obama quote - I will stand with the muslims
Beautiful Hawaiian Wave by Clark Takishima RIP Clark
America What the Hell Happened
Spiral stairway on the Titanic
Kahaluu Oahu Hawaii
Gallium melts in your hand
One world trade center
Once you accept Obama is not on our side everything he does makes perfect sense
Summer Tree
Turtle eating jellyfish
Cool House Shingle Design
James Garner
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