Bush at Trump inauguration struggles with rain coat
TARP benificiaries gave big donations to democrats who voted for it
Hitler did not like our movies about Hitler either - we said tough and made them anyway
Bureau of Labor Statistics Black African American Labor Force Participation Rate
Marcia Marcia Marcia says Some Day I am going to be the head of my local NAACP
Equality is about having an equal chance not equal results
The phrase Do Not Be Afraid is in the bible 365 times
101 years of the income tax
God is Merciful To Sinners Like ME ;)
Led Zepelin 1975 vs Nicki Minaj 2012
A tale of two cities Chicago VS Houston
When one American Who Had Done Nothing Wrong is Forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth then all Americans are in peril - Harry Truman
Obama and Bill Ayers
Help Tracy Leon Gray find his brother Shane Austin Rollek in Texas
The difference between a Republican and a Democrat
Julian Assange Sends Merry Christmas Message
Silence is Golden
Benghazi Poem
Northern Arctic Sunset Over Iceland
And you thought they wanted to take away guns to protect the innocent. Feel foolish yet?
Democrat Party Profile Pyramid Chart
Common Sense is So Rare It Should Be Classified as a Superpower
government of the people or of the corporations and lobbyists
Cowabunga Cowasaki
Obama Closed the Doors To Visitors But Sells White House Access to Donors
Obamas New Religion Czar
The difference between humility and pride Obama and Bush at Dallas Memorial
Tetons from Lake Jackson
How Che Guevara became the symbol of hope and freedom
MacCaulay starting to look like the robber
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