Memorial Day for the fallen but not forgotten
Halloween in NY City
If God wanted us to have big gov there would be 1000 commandments
1st Black Congressmen Were Republicans
Fundamentally transformed by liberal policies thanks Democrats for NOTHING
Hau 'oli Pakoa Happy Easter
The Mitre Hat VS the Dagon Fish Worship Hat
Your Negatives Cannot Penetrate My Rainbow Wall of Happiness
tree winding staircase
My soul thirsts for God for the living God Psalms 42-2
Halloween Guests, Ghosts and Orbs
Thanksgiving cat
Joe Strummer of The Clash - Photo by Pennie Smith
Spiral stairway on the Titanic
I have peace today
Democrat Party Inscription on Tombstone
Sandy Refugees Complain of Prison Like Conditions in FEMA Tent Camps
Improper fractions
Obama instructed the forest service to plant magic trees that grow free stuff
Obama cant make up his mind do federal background checks work or dont they
Seedskadee NWR Wyoming
We the people are now the enemy
I read old books because I would rather learn from those who built up civilization rather than from those who tore it down
Damage a Moab does
The Pillage People
Antonin Scalia Practice of Constitutional Revision Robs the People of Liberty Quote
My handsome son and his beautiful lady
17 Prior Shutdowns Five Presidents All Negotiated
People are so enamored by equality that they would rather live equal in slavery than unequal in freedom
When you see that trading is done not by consent but by compulsion Ayn Rand quote
Cat Boredom. Now What?
First 3 words you see describe your 2016
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