NASA A Train Satellite Surveillance
Map - Which State Is Best for Small Business
Greenland at night by Stefan Forster
aisle twelve for cat lovers
Obama Plays Golf While America Burns
Happy New Year from Hollywood
Cowboys and Commies
Oathkeepers Marines Road Sign What is worth defending Our Homes and Bill of Rights Smedley Butler quote
Sheeple, Its Whats for Dinner ;)
Cost of Jobs by EPA Regulations in One Year 336000
It started with Karl Marx
Biden Prays not to say something stupid
Dont worry Obama created a website for Iran to register their nukes
Ben Carson quote We the people are not each others enemies
Democrat Cities - Any Questions
We the people have had enough Lawn Art Photo by Chuck Nickle
The original Brexit
Top 5 Signs of a False Flag Terror Attack
It is all about Jesus
Obamas Failed Record
Percent of people employed
Mom Me Dad Phil Leah Aprox 1975 Picnic Table
My mom taught me well
If she needs it, should a woman be spanked?
Mooch looks like the statue of David lmbo
This is the Government the Founders Warned Us About
Mother Nature's Antibiotics
Funny answers to a test
Iranian Moving Van - Must be time for the Obamas to GTFO of the White House
Disarming innocent people does not protect innocent people - the theory of DUH
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Cats in WWI and WWII
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