CRAZY LOOKS James Holmes batman shooter vs Nancy Pelosi
First 3 words you see describe your 2016
peter pan
Survivor Mud Run 2013
Dad Me Kids 1973
New glasses
Cowabunga Cowasaki
Tyrone Power
Henry Ford Quote Any Man who thinks he can be happy with big gov look at the American Indian
The Waterfall I Built
Dear Santa Bring Brains for Demcorats and Balls for Republicans
Pineapple head wonders why he can not get a job
Aluminum Christmas Tree
Bush VS Clinton 2016
Liberals in 2015
Marina Abramović
Support Congressional Term Limits
Improper fractions
Gloria Steinem is a flaming liberal idiot hypocrite
Showing Muscle in Olympia Greece
Grumpy Cat - You are all nothing but creepy ass crackers!
Who remembers these shiny Christmas ornaments
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