Safari, Safari Woman, SafariWoman, Safari Chick, SafariChick
Michelle Obama
James Brown and Maxine Waters Share the Same Wig -
Obama as the Wicked Witch of the West Wing Gives Illegals Amnesty With His Magic Wand
Obama: Let us PREY!
daikon radishes
Has Paul Ryan Become Possessed
Pray hard
santa comes to hawaii has dolphins not reindeer
.. getting  a little crazy
Loretta Lynch to Transgenders
Obamas Commencement Speech Does NOT Impress West Point Grads
If I throw my baby on stage will they shoot Kanye
How Archies Pals Die
Mens suvival guide
It is better to think I can't believe I did that than I wish I did that
Cliff House
Summer Tree
congrats to al and barry
4th of July Fireworks
Joke What do you call ten rabbits walking backwards
How to Tell If Your Dog Has Been Involved In a Sex Scandal
Obama Arms Syrian Rebels Who Call Themselves Jihadists and Who Beheaded a Christian Minister
What I learned this Easter
Gary Cooper at home - 1936
Reagan Bush and Obama one picture says it all
Rand Paul shaking hands with Al Race Baiting Sharpton after Breakfast Meeting in Senate Dining Room
happy new year dont do anything stupid
yoga position and vodka position
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