1913 Taxing of America
Merry Christmas from Florida
Wonder Years - 1961
happy thanksgiving
When you need sleep but have to stay up to save the world
God bless America - Happy 4th of July!
Is your teen rebelling against your authority as a parent TRY THIS
No one is more hated than the one who speaks the truth Plato quote
When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable Frederic Bastiat quote
Im NOT bossy I have leadership skills LOL
Magnolia Cemetery - Baton Rouge, La.
Trey Gowdy statement about FBI director position
smart ass meme put to good use on Twitter
revolution not war
James Comey - Sorry - I am only a crime monitor
Kim Jung Un - The Problem Child Ben Garrison GrrrrGraphics Cartoon
Attention Drug Dealers
Mata Hari
Zimbabwes History with White Farmers
Hau 'oli Pakoa Happy Easter
I am finished Jesus Quote Easter
Squashed marshmallow Easter rabbit = Kim Jong-un
Japan prepares for N Korea Incident
Damage a Moab does
Hi I am with United Airlines
palm leaf cross
Lawrence Olivier and pet
Beware of wolves wearing sheeps clothing ie FAKE EWES Charlie Daniel cartoon
democrat holocost
Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it - cartoon
What do Prostitutes Doctors and TSA agents have in common
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