Topic: obama

Barack Insane Ocyrus
All the Presidents Men - Obama 2012 Flow Chart
Marty there is no time to lose go back in time and give Obamas dad a condom
Washington could not tell a lie Obama can not tell the truth
National Buffoons Vacation
Refuse to Remain Silent in the Face of Tyranny
Obama Cares About You and other fairy tales for progressive children
The headlines you wish you would see in 2016
Dreams from my Douchey Father
Politicos Cartoon Depicting Obamas Snub of the Anti Terrorist March in Paris
Liberals are just figuring out that obama has been lying? Let me show my shocked face
RIP Brian Terry Border Patrol Agent Killed By Mexicans Using Obama Guns
Do you know why Obama changed the name of Al Qaeda to Khurasan
Obama on Wheel of Fortune Spells Rspect for Respect and Wins!
Quotes I am not a dictator Hitler Castro Obama
See! I told YOU - It is all Bush's fault!
Inapproriate behavior for the so called President of the United States
What I think about Obama being re-elected... VURT DA FURK!?
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