Topic: obama

obama eric and sharpton grab the popcorn to watch Ferguson riots
Obama golfing through Louisiana flood
Obama Voters Annonymous
End of an error Jan 20 2017 NOBAma
Being lectured about the 2nd amendment by an administration caught running guns to Mexican drug lords
Look I caught a sasquatch - oops no wait its just Michelle Obama
Obama quote - do not be distracted by all of these phony scandals
Quotes I am not a dictator Hitler Castro Obama
Why Obama Has No Concerns About Being Prosecuted Over His Scandals
Baracks BS Bingo
The Obama Talking Doll
Eric Holder and Obama = The Department of Just Us
Obama playing games with Putin
Obama Cares About You and other fairy tales for progressive children
Can we just skip Congress the same way Obama does and impeach him as we the people
Iran Nuclear Deal Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it Remember North Korea
From Tahrir Square, A Message to Obama, the Media and the Muslim Brotherhood
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