Resist the NWO Cover
Maurice Strong
UN Agenda 21 plan for gov ownership of property
HUMAN BEINGS are either free or equal but not both
BLM sign committment to disrupting the western nuclear family a communist manifesto line item
How the west covered Ukraine before the war
Save Canada quit Paris Build Pipelines
Covid Gov then and now take the shot vax
All you need is one more booster shot and then things can go back to normal
John F Kennedy Splinter CIA into a thousand pieces
Not worried about climate change worried about NWO Globalism
Big Gov Data Collectors SAME AS Big Brother
Democrat motto - In facemasks we trust
One way communist soviet russia targeted and controlled children
The real virus is communism covid 19 is just how it spreads
In the doctors booth Lucy is IN Fauci is INCONSISTENT
NWO Movers and Shakers (Public)
Even handguns are illegal in London YET murders are up
If socialism is so good and capitalism is so bad then why are caravans heading to usa not venezuela
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