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Sunday, July 07, 2013 by: PF Louis
Tags: migraines, magnesium, headache cures

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.co...

(NaturalNews) Although migraines usually involve severe headaches, migraine attacks are not just headaches. There are two basic types of migraines: With aura and without aura. Both types often produce symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and noise.

A migraine with aura will start with visual problems and dizziness before the head pains begin. This was once termed a classic migraine. For a few, the dizziness and visual distortion of a migraine with aura does not precipitate headaches or nausea.

A migraine without aura used to be called a common migraine. This type skips the visual and goes straight into the dull head pain that often becomes constantly throbbing or pulsating and debilitating often with nausea and vomiting, sometimes for days at a time. [1]

The environmental circumstances that cause migraines are called triggers. They can be chemical fumes, glare, strobe-like intermittent lighting, fluorescent lighting, certain processed foods, MSG, aspartame, sudden weather or barometric (air pressure) changes, and even menstrual cycles.

Commonly mistaken as triggers are: Coffee, stress, excitement, strong emotional displays, and depression. As a matter of fact, coffee's vasodilation effect is known to offer some relief for migraine sufferers. [2]

A recent study using magnesium for migraine without aura

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.co...


My granddaughter was told by a doctor that her headaches were migraines. I asked her to tell me about them and I cured her in ten seconds. It works for me...... if temp is under 60, cover your ears when outdoors. Either a hat or a headband will work. When it's really cold, cover your head, your...
  • July 8, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
You're welcome for the info! Thank you for your tip also!
I always cover my head and ears here when cold...The cold wind gives me ear aches!
Mine are definitely migraines and the last up to four days...even with taking medication! The really windy days, barometric pressure, monthlies are all major tr...
  • July 8, 2013
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Safari Woman
My mom told me this works and she also swears by Excedrin Migraine pills.
  • July 8, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I take 292's....aspirin and codeine. Hate taking them but it gets to the point of either taking the medication and hope it cuts back the pain enough so I can sort of function OR....wait for the next city bus to come along and put my head under the front tire as it wheels by!!
Thankfully this magnesiu...
  • July 8, 2013
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