Did you know that you need to evacuate the room if one of these toxic twisties breaks? Did you know they are filled with Mercury vapors? Did you know that you should be disposing of them in the "Toxic Waste" containers not your household garbage? Most don't....and these are not the green solution that they have been touted as! They should come with a hazmat suit!


July 5, 2013 19:09

Brian Lilley says the impending ban on incandescent light bulbs is pure idiocy and will hurt your wallet and possibly your family.

Mona Rainwater
Yes, I knew this and have stocked up on the old standbys! I have a gazillion of them in case they stop making them! Thanks for this. I'll tell my other friends and family!
  • July 9, 2013
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My husband can't pass up a traditional light bulb! We too have them by the dozens. Right now they're in the basement and we walk by them. Five years from now we'll be treating them like eggs! Ten yrs from now they'll be more valuable than gold!!
  • July 9, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
LOL! I have hoarded traditional bulbs by the packing case-full.
  • July 9, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Happy to hear that everyone is stocking up on the traditional light bulbs!
Hopefully enough folks here in Canada will contact Prime Minister Harper and tell him we want the Traditional light bulbs to be available here and not taken off the market! We should also be telling him we want Canada to be m...
  • July 9, 2013
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Hah!  I'm so surpised that everyone had the same idea!!  I don't want to trod all over the entire planet, but I DO expect to leave a few footprints!
  • July 9, 2013
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Mike Blackwood
you need to leave the room if one of my twisties break vapors too............ lmbo!
......... i have a good stock of real bulbs i'll probably have to put whats left in a will
  • July 12, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Are your Twisties lethal? Paint peelers from 20 yds? LMAO! Must be a guy thing!
  • July 12, 2013
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