I see it; I'm terrible at journalism.

I feel like the stereotype author sitting and staring at a blank page in a typewriter shown in probably every movie about writers that I ever watched while I was growing up. When computers came along that scene was changed only to the degree that now writers sit staring into a screen instead. I'm waiting for the movie that comes out with the writer staring at the holographic computer he wears on his wrist asking the same question that all struggling writers before him have asked, "How do I begin?"

When I journal I feel like I am talking to myself. That is a trait most usually reserved for the insane isn't it?

I was equally bad at keeping a diary when I was a young girl. I can only imagine what I wrote in those pages now.

"Dear Diary,

I saw Tommy in the lunchroom today and he looked at me! Mary Jane and I did homework together. I want to go skating this weekend."

Yeah, pretty basic, but actually I wish those could be the highlights of my days at present. It sounds so innocent and fun. What I might have to say now might venture far beyond simple.

I was going to write out my goals on the first day. I guess goal writing wasn't number one on the list after all. Instead over these last two days it has been pretty much business a usual except for taking a break to go to the beach for an hour one day and the small nagging voice making me feel guilty for not following up on this project of journalism.

Maybe I fear my goals. They are big.

Weight loss, exercise regime, raise money, make it home, stop smoking, complete phase 2 of site upgrades, design things needed!

There I said it - wrote it - declared it in my mind. These are my goals. And as of today I have 58 days to do it all.

So what am I doing sitting here writing about it?

I better get busy!

Redneck Angel Warrior
See Wanda....you have completed your list of goals! Hurray...I knew you could do it! LOL!
Feel the Fear and do it anyways! Don't over analyze it all....focus on one idea you wish to get across and go from there. It doesn't have to be perfect the first time....you can go back in and edit...add this, s...
  • July 15, 2013
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