This is funny. I came in to blog about the rain and the things roaming through my head. By the time I did mails and read posts, it stopped raining and now I've forgotten what I was thinking about and lost my inspiration to write. lol... Maybe it will start raining again soon. Wink

I love rain! The steady gentle kind, not the scary thunderstorms. I especially like sitting on the porch while it rains........brings back memories of my mom and me sitting out during rainstorms.

Insofar as forgetting!!! The best part of forgetting is when you DO manage to remember something! It ...
  • July 20, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
Me too plus in the summer it makes me feel less guilty about spending time behind a computer instead of outdoors! lol

lolz on the remembering part. Sometimes that depends on what it is that I happened to remember!!
  • July 20, 2013
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