Real quick... I wanted to relay this report to you.


Patriots are being targeted by an unknown group through email.


They are sending attachments of illegal and obscene photos in an attempt to infect the targets computer with the content.


So far associates of WeAreChange and Oathkeepers have been recipients of this smear campaign and the FBI Cyber Crimes Division is investigating.


Details in the YouTube video linked here:


Please forward this email to your contacts so others can be made aware.


Forever Vigilant,




PS. If you haven't checked out our new website design take a peek and let us know what you think:


If you have any tips please report them to the Next News Tip Line at: 312-899-6830

Susan McClaren
I never open attachments unless I am expecting them or check the address to be sure it is legitimate. There are so many scams, attacks, viruses, and no telling what else one can get from them.
  • July 26, 2013
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Marge Pauls
I'm with you, Susan!
  • July 26, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I don't either! I don't even open those that come from someone I know but has no subject in the subject line. We have received emails from addy's of friends we know...they have really strange subjects for them. These ones are viruses. Someone got into their email account and sent it on via the accou...
  • July 27, 2013
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