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The United States Chamber of Commerce sent a letter on behalf of more than 400 businesses and groups to the House of Representatives on Tuesday, urging action on immigration reform.

They are right. We must get reform. What they have tried to pass off as reform in the current Senate Bill is not the answer. If Congress Stops now before we get needed changes, they can be held accountable for the straw that broke the came'ls back in the ruin of America.

"Failure to act is not an option," the Chamber of Commerce wrote in a letter addressed to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). "We can’t afford to be content and watch a generation-old immigration system work more and more against our overall national interest."

Groups that signed the letter stated they had already "been engaged with many members of Congress--Republicans and Democrats--on numerous components of a modern immigration system, and we urge that you not let this momentum slip and progress vanish."

The letter continued, "The problems with our immigration system have grown and multiplied to become an emerging threat to the current and future productivity, ingenuity, and competitiveness of key sectors of our economy, including agriculture, housing, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, tourism, engineering, and technology."

"We are united in the belief that we can and must do better for our economy and country by modernizing our immigration system," the letter states. 

Safari Woman
If they don't fix this the house of cards is going to fall. It is ridiculous that they can't at least come up with a simple improvement at a time and worry about that. At least it would get us going in a better direction. We are stalled on destruction!
  • July 31, 2013
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Walter D.
They can't do anything that is simple or that makes sense.
  • July 31, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
That would be too difficult.
  • August 2, 2013
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Willis Pebble
The reason that they need a comprehensive bill is because they need to hide the stuff that would never pass on its own and to include the payoffs and the waivers that get the votes needed to pass it. Chuck Schumer said that the bill had to be “comprehensive” so enough people would have a stake in it’...
  • August 1, 2013
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Safari Woman
Thanks that makes perfect sense. You are right that is exactly why every bill has to be thousands of pages long. We ought to recall every single one of them - or fire them - or or I don't know but it disgusts me that the way things get done or don't get done is never the way that is best for the nat...
  • August 1, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
They call that "log-rolling" the legislation. Stuff spins so fast you can't clearly see what's in it.
  • August 1, 2013
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Susan McClaren
Like Pelosi said, they have to pass it to find out what is in it. 
  • August 1, 2013
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