Seriously, this should  have the Twilight Zone theme playing. I can't stop shaking my head trying to  quell my rage, or just crying for our country! Lord, Yeshua, please help us & forgive us!!! America deserves...

Safari Woman
If you take a look under videos in here you'll see a few more of these petition signing morons. It can't be too bad, they will sign anyway. They probably vote with just as much thought.
  • August 13, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
Dear God . . .
  • August 13, 2013
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Kahaluu Girl
every person who signed that needs to lose their abilitiy to reproduce ....seriously!!!
...and unfortunately too many have already
  • August 15, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
This is the same guy who asked people to sign the petition to forgive Obama of all crimes so no one may prosecute him. Every person signed it. I recall he said, "Obama should be able to get away with these crimes, why should he be prosecuted?" We are living amongst zombies.
  • August 15, 2013
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