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Every meaningful battle that Boehner could have chosen to fight has instead been met with surrender.

Some (not all) examples…

  • Debt Ceiling talks. Obama always gets what he wants and Boehner always caves.
  • Operation Fast and Furious: At every turn in this investigation, Boehner fought bringing it to sunlight. The only reason it went as far as it did was because of public pressure and the dogged determination of the House Oversight Committee and Senator Charles Grassley. In fact, when the House contempt vote came to the floor, Boehner scheduled it on the same day as the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare.
  • Sided with Obama on Rep. Michele Bachmann’s concerns about Huma Abedin’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Benghazi: Boehner has demonstrated little to no interest in getting to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi. He only addresses the subject when forced to and has been against the formation of a House Select Committee.
  • The day after the 2012 election, Boehner signaled that he would help to push Obama’s agenda, saying, “We’re ready to be led”,  despite retaining a majority in the House.
  • Has signaled support for Obama’s push for comprehensive immigration reform legislation, despite such an approach being a Republican Party suicide pact.
  • When presented with an opportunity to de-fund Obamacare, Boehner has chosen instead not to, which will make it Boehnercare.
  • Syria: In perhaps his most egregious cave, Boehner has decided to side with the Muslim Brotherhood / al-Qaeda by siding with Obama on Syria. He expressed this solidarity as the anniversary of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 approaches. In fact, his Congressional body may vote to fight on behalf of al-Qaeda on 9/11.

The prospect that Obama may be holding something over Boehner’s head (the Petraeus effect) notwithstanding, it may be much easier to demonstrate that Boehner is being emotionally blackmailed.

Emotional blackmail often takes place between couples. Then again… never mind. In any event, an article by LD Lewis and Dr. Tina B. Tessina entitled, “The signs of Emotional Blackmail” may help us to understand Boehner’s completely irrational and subservient behavior.

Right off the bat:...... READ MORE->

If Boner fell off my boat I wouldn't throw him a life saver. The man is insane.
  • September 5, 2013
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Sarah Paskowitz
lol "Boner"
  • September 5, 2013
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