Posted by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson, DC on Thu, Sep 19, 2013

The CoQ10-Statin Secret

By Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

The medical literature clearly shows that statin medications like Lipitor,Crestor, Zocor shut down the production of one of the most important nutrients in the body. And I am referring to Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

What many people are unaware of is the fact that when CoQ10 is depleted it causes the LDL cholesterol to become oxidized. This in turn sets off a cascade of events making the LDL cholesterol drill holes in the arterial wall causing major inflammation. This inflammation sets you up for an increased risk of getting a heart attack or stroke.

This a major reason why taking statins drugs is no guarantee you will not die of a heart attack.

I have to admit I am at a total loss why any doctor would prescribe a statin medication without adding the life-saving CoQ10. This may be hard to swallow (excuse the pun) but it should be illegal to prescribe a statin without also prescribing CoQ10.

The following list of health challenges should be a wake up call for people who believe they are safe taking statins without CoQ10. CoQ10 deficiency can cause fatal cardiomyopathy, heart attack, congestive heart failure (which usually carries a death sentence of 5 years), exhaustion, cancer, myopathy, depression resistant to anti-depressants, high blood pressure, gum disease and tooth loss, hair loss, liver disease, sudden complete memory loss or amnesia, cataracts, angina, cancer, folic acid deficiency, damaged cell membranes, and much more.

In fact, it not only increases you from getting a variety of diseases but low CoQ10 levels predict that you can die within 6 months.

So you can see that any doctor who prescribes a statin medication then turns you loose without also prescribing CoQ10 shows lack of scientific knowledge of the very drug he is authorized to prescribe. Take a look at the wealth of scientific references listed below.

Now if you think I am being a bold about my what I have just shared with you please understand that this is serious.

Here is something that will shock many of you. Back in 1990s, the pharmaceutical giant, Merck, decided to add CoQ10 to a statin medication. They even went so far as to get a patent. The patent number is 4,933,165. Go ahead and download the patent document:


Read more at: http://www.helpmychronicp... ]

i used to take q10 i guess i better start back.. i dont take the drugs but i think it is something i dont want to run out of
  • September 20, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
It helps keep your body in good running order... even our son has it in his daily dietary supplement. I knew it was good for your heart ...I didn't know of all the other things that it helps ward off and that deficiency could lead to death in 6 months!
  • September 20, 2013
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