Last night I was able to put the collected articles, pictures and videos to very good use as I took a place online to "StandWithCruz and #MakeDCListen. Those were the two trending twitter trends through the night and Cruz referred to #MakeDCListen several times. I felt like it was the least I could do to show support. I was able to not only make my own comments and retweet fresh stories on the #Obamacare topic, but because of the amount of information in this Obamacare group, I could easily go down the wall and continually tweet pertinent information using the same hash tags. This was a great strategy and all night long the items were being re tweeted by other twitter users so we got a lot of information out to people that they might not have otherwise known about the repercussions of Obamacare.

So this is a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to members who have taken the time to come to the group to post related information. You have helped the group to be what it was hoped to be, ie an awesome resource on the topic of Obamacare.

If you aren't a member, I invite you to join and help us collect Obamacare items here in one place. This was just my first real opportunity to use it in this way, but it won't be the last.

Safari Woman
And if you aren't a member or don't normally post in here You are invited to join and post for our future engagement and use of the collective information to our advantage. Thanks again!
  • September 25, 2013
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Robert Kenard
I posted obamacare propaganda links in mind control and gave you a thread with links back to them.
  • September 26, 2013
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good job that trended for more than a day and the o camp must have hated that.. i try to remember to post in groups but sometimes i forget ..
  • September 27, 2013
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