
Sunday, September 29, 2013 by: Paul Fassa
Tags: Hatha Yoga, natural healing, stress reduction

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NaturalNews) The corpse pose, or savasana, is the last posture, or asana, in any Hatha Yoga routine. It's apparently the easiest, because one lies flat on one's back without moving. But it's actually the most difficult to master, because it's so internal.

It's powerful enough that anyone can benefit from it without practicing other yoga postures. It's not for just getting a breather or having a moment to take it easy. It's much deeper than that.

But it's not fully appreciated for what it does, even among many yoga students and teachers.

What It Does for You

As you gain more control over your body's different muscles by relaxing them, you are slipping away from the more manic pursuits of our diseased culture. After gaining success with the corpse pose, you will find it easier to be calmly in a witness state, despite what is going on around you.

The corpse pose aligns your subtle body with your physical. Without that, you won't benefit fully from yoga's health benefits. The subtle body is more like your energy field or astral body. It remains even after the physical body expires. It is what you will be taking with you after bodily death.

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