Tuesday, October 01, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)

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NaturalNews) An exciting new film has just been announced: "Unacceptable Levels" exposes the hidden world of toxic chemicals now inundating society and destroying our health worldwide.

Created by filmmaker Ed Brown, Unacceptable Levels is a tour de force of groundbreaking information from the world's top experts on how trace-level cocktails of synthetic chemicals are devastating humanity.

This is the film that finally explains what's wrong with our food and medical systems and why so many people have diabetes, cancer, autism, infertility, mental disorders and other degenerative health conditions. When you see this, you'll instantly connect the dots in ways that will empower you to protect your health and maximize your longevity, even in an intoxicated world full of deadly chemicals and the criminal corporations that sell them.

This groundbreaking new film is being exclusively launched here at Natural News, and it is available for a limited time only through Programs.NaturalNews.com as a streaming video (with unlimited lifetime views).

The best presentation yet of the world's top experts on chemical toxicity

I consider this a must-see film because it is the first documentary I've ever seen that brings together many of the world's topic experts on health, environment, chemicals and nutrition in one place. Although the film gets off to a slow start -- the first 8 minutes are about the personal lives of Ed Brown and his wife as they struggle with chemically-induced miscarriages -- it rockets to stunning heights soon thereafter, introducing viewers to a whirlwind of top experts with astonishing "No Way!" moments about toxic chemicals. By the time you finish watching this film, your head will be spinning with all the reality-shattering information you'll learn about synthetic chemicals, fluoride, psychiatric drugs, plasticizers and much more.

This film will blow your mind... especially when you start hearing from John Stauber about how toxic sludge full of heavy metals and synthetic chemicals was renamed "biosolids" and repackaged as fertilizer to be spread on the nation's croplands. Will Allen, author of The War on Bugs, also chimes in with absolutely mind-blowing information on what the agricultural industry uses as "fertilizer" these days. You need to learn this information before you dare buy another bag of so-called "compost" from a garden supply store.

Give yourself the advantage of knowledge

Even if you're a regular reader of Natural News, you'll find this film packed with new, mind-expanding information about chemicals you're unintentionally absorbing -- through your food, environment, personal care products and even household materials.

Click here to watch the trailer now.

For a limited time, Unacceptable Levels is available exclusively through Natural News. The film also uses elements of our popular fluoride animation, which we gave the filmmaker permission to include (because we really like this film!).

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