Health Impact News Editor Comments

Hardcore pro-vaccine proponents would have us believe the issue of vaccine safety and effectiveness is a closed issue. To them, there is no neutral ground. You are either an evangelist for vaccines or a threat to society with no middle ground in between. To merely raise questions is to be labeled as anti-vaccine and a threat to society.

Just ask Katie Couric, who dared to allow some people on to her show to tell their story about how they were damaged by the Gardasil vaccine. Even though Couric stated that she was pro-vaccine and had her daughters vaccinated, it didn’t matter. She was attacked viciously in the mainstream media, forced to apologize, and this week it was announced that her popular daytime show would not be renewed.

Pro-vaccine doctors are threatened by the truth of vaccines, because they can’t stand the thought that they might be responsible for permanent disabilities or even deaths as a result of their beliefs in vaccines. In the story below, one doctor got so upset over hearing a private conversation in a public restaurant over vaccines, that he confronted the father of a vaccine-damaged child and cursed him out in public. This parent did not back down, however, and the doctor probably got more than he bargained for.

A Parent’s Story told on VacTruth Facebook Page

Read more at: http://healthimpactnews.c...

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