Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop this week continued to demonstrate what is, on the international diplomatic stage, rare support not only for Israel, but for its historic right to this land.

In a must-read interview with The Times of Israel, Bishop said it was wrong for most in the international community to speak of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria as "illegal."

"I would like to see which international law has declared them illegal," said Bishop.

Most, including Israel's allies, interpret the Fourth Geneva Convention to mean that Israeli Jews cannot legitimately dwell in the so-called "West Bank."

The relevant article of the convention states that an occupying power is not permitted to settle any of its citizens in occupied territory.

However, numerous legal experts have in the past noted that it is dubious to apply the article to Israel, for several reasons. First, the West Bank was not the recognized sovereign territory of any other nation at the time Israel seized control of it. Second, there is overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence that the area is part, and even the central part of the Jews' ancestral homeland.

But even barring those arguments, Bishop pointed out that the original intent of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process was to not prejudge a negotiated outcome, even in regards to the settlements.

For the world to already condemn the Jewish settlements as "illegal" is a gross violation of that principle.


A letter from my friend...

Dear FM Julie Bishop

               I just wanted to applaud you on your stance regarding Israel ’s right to extend settlements in Judea and Samaria .

Beside the very valid points you raise in this article, history and archaeology has proven without a doubt that this land ( Israel ) is named after those that inherited it 3500 years ago. History proves whom this land belongs to, and with names like Judea,  Samaria, Beit Lechem etc etc, all Israelite names that are recorded in Scripture dating back thousands of years, archaeology has proven without a doubt that the remnants of the inhabitants were Israelite or Hebrew. I understand a recent find by archaeologists suggest they have found the remnants of King David’s palace which has been found in land currently occupied by Arab / Egyptian refugees called Palestinian people. 

As an individual whom has studied ME history especially that of the native peoples, I believe it’s a travesty to listen to all the misguided and racist people talking about a land that they appear to know nothing about but, have jumped on the band wagon of bigotry which is indicative of the type of people we have leading some nations, the influence Saudi Arabia and other nations have including the dysfunctional UN has on people across the globe. Thankfully those of us that know the Truth will never succumb to this short sightedness, tunnel vision and bigotry. 

Our government is busy running our human rights into the ground and pilfering from the low income earners on behalf of the IMF and Obama to support such a just cause, so again my applause to you for standing up for what is right and not bowing to international pressure.




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