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Didn't I say that soon someone would be coming after humans for producing too much methane and contributing to global warming!!! As my Grandma always said..... the people up North of Cornwall England are all loonies!

From the land of the Perpetually stupid!

First it was the cows they came after! And nobody said anything...it wasn't their problem!


Now it's humans they are after! Will anyone come to help us?


They want us to quit eating these!

Photo courtesy of Weaselzippers: http://weaselzippers.us/1...


Via Daily Mail:

People should eat fewer baked beans to reduce flatulence which can contribute to global warming, a minister suggested today.

Fears were raised about the impact of ‘smelly emissions’ caused by Brits eating more beans than any other country in the world.

Climate change minister Lady Verma said it was an ‘important’ issue and urged the public to ‘moderate our behaviour’.


Concerns have previously been raised about the effect of methane emissions from cows on global warming.

But in the House of Lords today a Labour peer raised questions about the impact of human diet on emmisions.

Viscount Simon, 73, a Labour peer who has been a member of the House of Lords for more than 20 years, voiced his fears about the ‘smelly emissions’.

Lord Simon said: ‘In a programme some months ago on the BBC it was stated that this country has the largest production of baked beans and the largest consumption of baked beans in the world.’

He asked Lady Verma: ‘Could you say whether this affects the calculation of global warming by the Government as a result of the smelly emission resulting therefrom?’

Lady Verma described his question as ‘so different’ but she appeared to suggest that people should think twice about over-indulging in baked beans or any food which causes flatulence.

She added: ‘You do actually raise a very important point, which is we do need to moderate our behaviour.'

A study last December suggested the total value of baked beans sold in the previous year had fallen by £20.8 million to £339.3 million in the UK.

Lord Simon's grandfather Sir John Simon, a Liberal, was given a peerage in 1940 after serving as Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary and Chancellor.

A study this week recommended eating baked beans every day, to help significantly reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart diseases.

Wind and bloating were among the side effects of those eating the daily portion, although this subsided after a while, said lead researcher Dr John Sievenpiper from St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto.

Last month a survey found that tins of baked beans were the most popular item that Brits took with them when going on foreign holidays.

Baked beans was the most popular item at 37 per cent, followed by chocolate (35 per cent), Bacon (32 per cent), sweets (24 per cent), and condiments (20 per cent).

The exchange over the impact of beans on global warming came as a senior Tory peer called on the government to stop trying to prevent climate change altogether.

George Osborne’s father-in-law Lord Howell of Guildford, a former Foreign Office minister, said a change in direction of energy policy was ‘overdue’.

The Tory peer said in the House of Lords: ‘Now may be time to consider switching our colossal expenditure in attempting mitigation to adaptation to what is widely believed by many of us to come in the way of more extreme weather.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.u...

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Safari Woman
omg - it gets weirder by the day.
  • April 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Doesn't it? I sometimes feel we are the only ones left that haven't succumbed to the lunacy! What on earth are in those beans BTW to make everyone so crazy on that little island called Great Britain?
  • April 10, 2014
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Kahaluu Girl
  • April 10, 2014
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I understand his concern. Baked beans are routinely served for BREAKFAST in the UK. Imagine spending a quiet day at the office!
  • April 10, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
SBD's.... LOL!

They should be selling lots of Beano too....
  • April 10, 2014
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