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Sunday, April 13, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)


NaturalNews) Most of the packaged, processed foods sold at the grocery store are sheer garbage, loaded with HFCS, MSG, aspartame and GMOs. There are some striking exceptions to this rule, however, and today I want to bring your attention to mustard.

Simply put, mustard is possibly the most nutrient-rich, anti-cancer food condiment still available in the western world today. And why is that? Because it's made from mustard seed, and mustard seed contains Allyl Isothiocyanate (AITC).

AITC has been scientifically shown to "strongly inhibit bladder cancer development and progression," according to this 2010 study published in the science journal Carcinogenesis.

But what's even more amazing is that the AITC found in mustard seeds actually blocks the cancer-causing compounds added to processed meats such as hot dogs (in the form of sodium nitrite). According to this 2010 study in the International Journal of Toxicology, "AITC protected HepG2 cells against Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects caused by nitrite and the Nitrosamines."

What this means is that the cancer-causing attributes of hot dogs can be partially blocked by eating mustard with the hot dog. Just remember, of course, that the hot dog itself, the hot dog bun and the potato chips typically served with hot dogs are all useless junk foods, often containing toxic additives.

Numerous anti-cancer ingredients

The bizarre position of the pharma-funded mainstream media, by the way, is that there is no such thing as an anti-cancer food. The official position of the FDA is that there is no such thing as a food, herb, seed or supplement that has any effect whatsoever on preventing disease. Both of these positions are patently absurd, of course, and those who attempt to defend such nonsense only discredit themselves. (Arguing that there's no such thing as anti-cancer foods is about as silly as arguing the Earth is flat.)

In truth, anti-cancer compounds are found throughout the food supply: in carrots, oranges, celery, broccoli, grapes, nuts and more. They happen to be highly concentrated in mustard seeds, too, and typical mustard products often contain other ingredients that also show powerful anti-cancer properties.

Case in point: French's 100% Natural Classic Yellow Mustard. The ingredients of French's mustard are refreshingly simple:

Distilled vinegar, water, #1 grade mustard seed, salt, turmeric, paprika spice, natural flavors and garlic powder

Believe it or not, five of these ingredients have anti-cancer properties: vinegar, mustard, turmeric, paprika and garlic. (And no, the French's Foods company didn't pay me to write this. I'm just tellin' it like it is!)

You can search science.naturalnews.com for all the scientific studies on these, by the way. There are hundreds of published studies supporting my statement above.

These ingredients, when added to any meal, make that meal safer to eat. For example, if you're eating BBQ, you're eating cancer-causing carcinogens from the burned meat fats. Adding mustard to your meal helps counter those carcinogens in your digestive tract.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.co...

Linda Mihalic
Many of the "hot" herbs act this way. Good article. Thanx.
  • April 14, 2014
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