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 Due to my schedule, the items below will remain posted until around May 8th. It is a lot of information, but if you read one item a day and work your way through the couple of books, you will be able to share the information - the raw truth - with people you know. The upcoming primaries are critical at the state level because the destruction by both parties in the Outlaw Congress has to be stopped at home.

Believe me when I tell you the Republicans have sold us down the road to one world government just like the Democratic/Communist Party USA. The Republicans held power of both houses of Congress for almost 14 years; 8 under Bush. They didn't abolish one unconstitutional cabinet, agency, foreign aid or get rid of the millions of regulations choking the life blood out of Americans businesses, ranchers, loggers, you name it. "Smaller government" my foot.

While this column is from 2011, it should be read far and wide. Unfortunately, there are no constitutional militia in any state in the Union. The Cliven Bundy situation out in Nevada should make it crystal clear why getting the constitutional militia reconstituted by the state legislatures is imperative because if anyone thinks the federal dragoons are just going to go away and leave the Bundy family alone, ain't going to happen.

 The Cliven Bundy ranch 'incident' in Nevada has once again brought to the forefront the issue of jurisdiction:

 Federal Jurisdiction Brief

If you go to the main page for Becraft's Briefs , you'll find the best, most accurate legal analysis on state and federal jurisdiction (in addition to the one above), taxation, the money issue and others.

Links are generally posted at my web site

 Posted on my web site with links;

Walter D.
I get where Bundy stands. However this case is a perilous test. He has court orders to pay the range fees. He calls the federal government a foreign government. That is a pretty hard core position to take. I don't believe BLM should have shown up with brute force aiming guns at him and his family or...
  • April 17, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
It's the Agenda 21... take over land so that we eventually will be herded like cattle ( or sheep!) into living in small areas in container apartments...
  • April 18, 2014
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