OMGawsh! This is something ..... If you watch Fox News, you should read this article....
The saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely...well here is an article which proves this saying to be true! Robert Murdoch of the news Empire had his fingers in this! This site also has some very interesting articles about vaccines and the lies that we are all being told about them...such as: unvaccinated children are the reason for the measles outbreaks. Truth is it's the vaccinated ones who are the ones spreading the childhood disease now.


This tidbit also I found : https://childhealthsafety...

Hmmmm? Now I wonder why that is, eh?



By William Newton

July 17, 2011

“… the evidence of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has expanded geometrically.” Michael Collins

Rupert Murdoch’s news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny.  Current revelations focus on Murdoch’s News of the World hacking into the Dowler family’s voice messages during the kidnapping of their 12 year old daughter Milly, and Murdoch’s London Times for allegedly having illegally obtained the financial, property and medical information of former UK Labour Party Leader Gordon Brown during the time he was chancellor. [Image]

A 2010 exposure of Murdoch’s Times of London revealed that it had published forged documents purporting to show that Iran planned to do nuclear experiments for an atomic weapon, and as Collins points out, it was Murdoch’s “drumbeat of misinformation” that helped mislead people into believing that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attack, supporting Bush’s invasion of Iraq, though intelligence was “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent,” according to the Senate Intelligence Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports on Prewar Iraq Intelligence from June 5, 2008.

But what has not yet been covered is the media circus Murdoch’s London Times created internationally as it fabricated lies against a respected British doctor, with consequences that could impact the lives of billions of children in the world.

The London Times headlines read:

Callous, unethical and dishonest’: Dr Andrew Wakefield
MMR scare doctor Andrew Wakefield makes fortune in US,
Andrew Wakefield & MMR – the investigation – by Brian Deer,
London Times: MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield ’abused his position of trust.’

Andrew Wakefield was a respected British gastroenterologist who began research into digestive problems in autistic children in collaboration with other doctors in the UK, after being called by parents seeking help.  His work indicated severe digestive issues and he asked for more investigation of the MMR vaccine.

Brian Deer is the reporter who savaged Dr Wakefield from the pages of the Sunday Times, a paper managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch who is on the board of GlaxoSmithKline which makes the MMR.  Deer researched his case with the help of Medico-Legal Investigations, a private enquiry company whose only source of funding is the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.  Deer was both the journalist writing on Wakefield and the person who brought a case of fitness to practice medicine to the General Medical Council, and then wrote about the proceedings as well.

Parents whose children were treated by Wakefield were denied the right to be heard before a real court on claims against the vaccine manufacturers.  The High Court judge who denied them was Sir Nigel Davis, whose brother is an executive board member of Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet which removed Wakefield’s 1998 paper on the subject, and is on the Board of GlaxoSmithKline.

With the London Times giving Brian Deer free reign to attack Wakefield, media closed in like shark.  Coincidentally, the head of Reuters serves on the Board of Merck, and Miriam Stoppard who writes at the Daily Mirror newspaper is married to Sir Christopher Hogg, who was Chairman of GlaxoSmith Kline in 2004.  Dr Kumar, the Chairman of the GMC Fitness to Practice Panel who ruled against Dr Andrew Wakefield, would not answer questions about his shareholdings in GlaxoSmithKline, and said there was no such thing as vaccine damage and that any parents who claimed that their children had suffered such would be treated with scorn and contempt.

Wakefield lost his license to practice and left the UK.  What had he done that Murdoch’s machine went into action, creating fictions about him, getting his work pulled from the Lancet, getting him brought before the GMC to ultimately lose his license?

Wakefield suggested that until further studies, the measles vaccine should be given as a separate vaccine rather than in combination as the MMR (measles, Mumps, Rubella).  He did not suggest that children not take a measles vaccine, only that there be caution until the MMR was investigated further. This reasonable suggestion was met immediately by the single measles vaccines being taken off the market.

Wakefield’s work with Professor Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch had touched a nerve.  The pharmaceutical industry, an industry that makes six times more than any industry on Wall Street is heavily invested in vaccines (in the US, the companies do not have to prove efficacy to get FDA approval) and is moving on every front to have their product mandated.

To suggest that one of the main vaccines for children might be destroying them mentally and physiologically was a problem, yet the study showed severe digestive system damage and mitochondrial dysfunction, as well.  Mitochondrial dysfunction has been confirmed by other studies, but taking down Wakefield in a big way became a means of discrediting anyone questioning vaccines.  Wakefield was cast as a fraud and so all those voicing concerns were dismissed by reference to him.

This Alan Golding documentary gives background which can allow people to judge the credibility of Murdoch’s reporter for themselves:

To understand how serious all this is, and thus how much is at stake for millions if not billions of children, one needs to appreciate how profound it is for mitochondria not to function normally. Science Daily explains:

“Children with autism are far more likely to have deficits in their ability to produce cellular energy than are typically developing children, a new study by researchers at UC Davis has found. The study, published in theJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that cumulative damage and oxidative stress in mitochondria, the cell’s energy producer, could influence both the onset and severity of autism, suggesting a strong link between autism and mitochondrial defects…. Mitochondria are the primary source of energy production in cells and carry their own set of genetic instructions, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), to carry out aerobic respiration. Dysfunction in mitochondria already is associated with a number of other neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia ….”

One study cited in Wikipedia says:

“Mitochondrial disorders may be caused by mutations, acquired or inherited, in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or in nuclear genes that code for mitochondrial components. They may also be the result of acquired mitochondrial dysfunction due to adverse effects of drugs, infections, or other environmental causes (see MeSH). … Defects in nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes are associated with hundreds of clinical disease phenotypes including anemi, dementia, hypertension, lymphoma, retinopathy, seizures, and neurodevelopmental disorders.”

In opening up the issue mitochrondrial dysfunction and urging a shift back to a single measles vaccine (an earlier vaccine), Wakefield may have stumbled onto something explosive.  The MMR vaccine appears to be the third generation of vaccines, what are called DNA vaccines. They involve shooting genetically engineered material into the body, often using gene guns that were used into the genetic engineering of seeds, in order to achieve DNA “uptake.”

From Wikipedia on methods of delivery of DNA Vaccines:

“The two most popular approaches are injection of DNA in saline, using a standard hypodermic needle, and gene gun delivery. … Injection in saline is normally conducted intramuscularly (IM) in skeletal muscle, or intradermally (ID), with DNA being delivered to the extracellular spaces. This can be assisted by electroporation; by temporarily damaging muscle fibres with myotoxins such as bupivacaine; or by using hypertonic solutions of saline or sucrose. Immune responses to this method of delivery can be affected by many factors, including needle type, needle alignment, speed of injection, volume of injection, muscle type, and age, sex and physiological condition of the animal being injected.

“Gene gun delivery, the other commonly used method of delivery, ballistically accelerates plasmid DNA (pDNA) that has been adsorbed onto gold or tungsten microparticles into the target cells, using compressed helium as an accelerant.

“Alternative delivery methods have included aerosol instillation of naked DNA on mucosal surfaces, such as the nasal and lung mucosa, and topical administration of pDNA to the eye and vaginal mucosa. Mucosal surface delivery has also been achieved using cationic liposome-DNA preparations, biodegradable microspheres, attenuated Shigella or Listeria vectors for oral administration to the intestinal mucosa, and recombinant [genetically engineered] adenovirus vectors.”

The DNA vaccines depend on DNA uptake.  However,”[t]his phenomenon has not been the subject of much research, so the actual mechanism of DNA uptake is not known.”

And what is meant by DNA uptake?  Does it mean as it sounds, that genetically engineered material is taken up by the DNA of those being injected with it?  And if so, does that mean that these vaccines are genetically altering (or “engineering”) those receiving the vaccines?

Read more at:


Safari Woman
Fox News = Controlled Opposition - it's very clear to me and has been for a long time. Can't manipulate the false left right paradigm without opposition. I am thankful that they show as much as they do but when it comes down to the really important stuff - the obama eligibility issue, this and SOOOO...
  • May 1, 2014
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