Molly's Sunscreen - SPF ~23+

4oz coconut oil
3oz olive oil
1oz beeswax
20 drops vitamin D in olive oil = 40,000IU vit D3
25-30 drops peppermint EO
30 drops lavender EO
20% ZnO = 1.6oz [I used 1.80 oz]

Melt the coconut and beeswax over low. Stir. Add the D to the olive oil and pour in and stir after removing from heat. Pour some into a mixing bowl and whip, add some ZnO and whip. Continue until all is in the bowl. Whip until cools, scrape, rest, whip. Continue until all is cooled, whipped, and incorporated. Scoop into an 8oz jar.

Rub it in when you use it, it is very waterproof and the white totally disappears if you rub it in. Do not use nano-sized zinc, use micro-sized so the Zn doesn't get inside your cells.

You can actually use just coconut oil and ZnO if that's all you can get, the beeswax makes it more waterproof and the vitamin D3 in olive oil helps screen and nourish skin.


Thanks to Molly  ( commenter) on Natural News

Wanda Hope Carter
Do you know if the lavender does something other than scent it? I'm not a lavender fan.
  • July 1, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
If it just might be for the anti-bacterial properties.... it also has healing properties.

If you don't want to use it though, I don't see why you can't leave it out. The coconut oil and zinc will take care of the anti-bacterial and healing aspects of Lavender.
  • July 1, 2014
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