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2014-07-02 12:17:23-04

According to WHO, only 0.15% of people exposed to any high risk HPV types will ever develop cervical cancer. Medical consumers need to know that according to the World Health Organization 99.85% of those exposed to oncogenic types of HPV will never develop cervical cancer. Since at least September 2012, FDA officials knew infections with high-risk HPV types will not induce cancer without genetic mutations and/or other epigenetic (relating to or arising from nongenetic influences on gene expression) events occurring also. Did this cause the FDA or CDC to re-examine the usefulness of HPV vaccines? No. Today, countries around the world are putting a halt on government-recommended HPV vaccines and investigating numerous claims of HPV vaccine injuries that are destroying the lives of thousands of girls and young women. Since health officials at the FDA are apparently ignoring scientific facts, medical consumers need to be aware of the science, or lack therof, behind HPV vaccines.



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