Here's a natural oils that may help you repeal ticks.When you go out into the woods.

Easy, Natural Tick Repellent That Really Works


Walter D.
I might ought to hunt down one of these ticks and get it to bite me. I'm a ravenous carnivore and my doctor says I need to cut back.
  • August 25, 2014
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lol.....I love to read stuff like this when I'm surrounded by 100's of acres of TREES!!! However, if a particular tick comes along that causes one to have an adverse reaction to chocolate and ice cream......bring him on!!
  • August 25, 2014
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Do you think she really means it or is she advertising to sell it on amazon? Have you tried it? I haven't had a tick in years and hope I don't get one! I'm a city girl so I'm probably safe. lol
  • August 25, 2014
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