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Received the following from my brother, and will use it to copy and paste into letters and email to my Senator and Representative. You are welcome to share them.

I have been busy sending letters to my honorable elected officials, so they can earn their keep in 2015. My next letter will be asking the following energy questions:

1.Why hasn’t Congress approved the Keystone XL pipeline?

2.Why is Saudi Arabia still pumping oil at a maximum rate, and why are we still buying oil from Saudi Arabia?

3.Why are Americans in oil-producing states being laid off due to a glut of oil?

4.Does Congress feel there is a chance of a World War, due to energy?

5.Now that the Obama Administration has forgotten about Electric Cars for the American people, will Congress shut down the climate change debate, or will the American people be stuck paying for this “Global Folly”?

6.Will the United States completely stop burning coal to generate electricity, in an effort to stop climate change?

7.Will the United States export its coal to China and India, so these emerging economies can generate cheap electricity?

8.When will Congress start consideration of upgrading, enhancing and protecting the United States Energy Grid, and stop concerning itself on generating more electricity?

9.Does Congress believe that it is foolish to invest more wind and solar generating farms, before the infrastructure (grid) can handle the load

10. Is the grid secure from cyber/terrorist attack?

11. Finally, when does Congress believe the United States will be “Energy Independent,” or does it believe that we should continue to be led by the nose to pay top dollar for Saudi Arabian oil, while we continue to provide the Saudi Kingdom with United States military support at the snap of a finger?


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