
(CNSNews.com) – Speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) described how she was told by a guard to surrender her cell phone and that she could not take notes on the president's trade agreement when she went to read it.

“Let me tell you what you have to do to read this agreement. Follow this: You can only take a few of your staffers who happen to have a security clearance, because – God knows why – this is secure. This is classified. It’s nothing to do with defense,” said Boxer.

“It has nothing to do with going after ISIS. It has nothing to do with any of that, but it is classified,” she added.

“So I go down with my staff that I could get to go with me, and as soon as I get there, the guard says to me, ‘Hand over your electronics. OK. I give over my electronics. Then the guard says, ‘You can’t take notes.’ I said, ‘I cannot take notes?’” said Boxer.


awww, a thug being thugged
  • May 17, 2015
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