"The Tao that can be told, is not the eternal Tao"

"The name that can be named, is not the eternal Name"

The Tao Te Ching begins it teaching of Taoist practice warning of the pit falls of the labeling process that afflicts most religions. History is littered with failed religions, dogmatized by the egos of their respective leaders and commonly used for the purpose of self aggrandizing and attempts control  populations in a dictatorial fashion. The thou shall and shall nots in its' suppression of the true nature of our existence. have probably caused much more suffering than it has relieved. Taoist practice does not compete with other religions, but actually compliments them by teaching the true intent of great teachers like Jesus, whose teachings have been dogmatized beyond recognition

The practice of Taoism will achieve peace of mind by teaching us to see the true nature of our existence and awakening from the  dreams of ourselves put in place to hide from the emotional pain of a fear driven existence.

Safari Woman is online.
Thanks Jerry! I first studied the Tao when I was in my twenties. What you have written about it here is my understanding of it also. I found it very helpful in my life. Maybe it is a good time to revisit my books.
  • December 15, 2012
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Cassie Simpson
I tried to study Tao some time back but there is so much I didn't understand about the ideas. I thought a lot of it was beautiful and meaningful but in other verses I couldn't resolve the conflicts. For example, 
The kind man does something,
yet something remains undone.
The just man does something,
  • December 15, 2012
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Jerry Rolison
I am planning to go through the entire Tao Te Ching one verse at a time,including the verses you have mentioned, and blogging it here. This is part of my Taoist practice and I am in hopes it will benefit the practice of others. The Tao Te Ching as does the Bible uses metaphors in a simple manner tha...
  • December 16, 2012
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