Friday, July 10, 2015, 10:15 AM EDT


Well, the assholes of America have again had their way. Seriously thinking that they’ve achieved some great victory, they removed the Confederate Navy Jack, also known as the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, from the flagpole at the Confederate Memorial on the grounds of the South Carolina State Capitol. Of course, being abysmally stupid and completely and blissfully unaware of the difference, or even of how stupid they are, they think they’ve brought down the Confederate Flag, truly an act of symbolism over substance in any event.


Will this stupid act bring together the peoples of this fatally flawed and failed union? Hardly. If anything, many of the fissures dividing us have been widened and old wounds have been reopened. The Secessionist Movement which has long been alive, particularly in the former Confederate States, has gained momentum, and will someday soon emerge triumphant on the North American political landscape.


The Doctrine of Unintended Consequences is alive and well.



~ Robert A. Schultz

Yo Adrienne came out like Arabic!
  • July 10, 2015
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Damn! I wrote it in Sanscrit! ;-)
  • July 11, 2015
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Redneck Angel Warrior
LOL! Talented!
  • July 11, 2015
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Yo Adrienne
lol.....I flunked sanscrit....but after 3 years of Latin.....I can read your prescription!
  • July 11, 2015
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We've cleaned up the code.
  • July 10, 2015
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Yo Adrienne
thank you!
  • July 11, 2015
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Safari Woman
I'm starting to think more and more that it might could happen. I'm wondering if this is why Texas is trying to get its gold back.
  • July 11, 2015
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Hmmm...I was thinking that Abbot in Texas is just trying to pull obi's chain cuz they know that there is no gold to be given back...the vaults are empty!
  • July 11, 2015
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Yo Adrienne
well, that could be....I'll vote yes to that.!
  • July 11, 2015
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Yo Adrienne

It seems that in the last two months or so....all the MINORITY MORONS are getting their way.....Soetoro is doing his best, in his time left as fearless leader to destroy whta's left...after 6 years of tryanny!
  • July 11, 2015
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Redneck Angel Warrior
His time isn't finished yet....Oy vey!
  • July 11, 2015
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