Obviously, no one in the GOP hierarchy yet gets it:  We the People are through with their slimy brand of politics as usual, their broken promises, their posturing, and their basic bullshit.  Quite simply, we don’t CARE about electing a “true conservative.”  We don’t CARE that the man we support was once a Democrat, that he was friends with the Clintons, that he hasn’t shown his tax records, or that he’s changed his mind about however many things!  We the People want to DUMP the governing political class that has screwed up and screwed over this country for too damned long!  Cheers!



Hear! Hear!!
  • February 29, 2016
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Safari Woman
This part I get.
  • March 1, 2016
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Dale Barnes
I understand it completely. I'm not sure who I will vote for yet but it won't be that traitor Rubio.
  • March 4, 2016
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