We’ve heard a lot over the past several months about Donald J. Trump’s candidacy destroying the Republican Party, and that should he win the party’s nomination, he will ensure the election of Hillary Clinton.  We also heard early on that Trump’s candidacy would fade, that he’s reached his “ceiling,” that his popularity has “peaked,” and that his “unfavorable” outweigh his “favorable” in the polls. The wizards of smart have been remarkably consistent in one respect:  They’ve been wrong!


What truly bothers, irritates, aggravates, and positively petrifies those wizards of smart, the Republican Party hierarchy consisting, as it does, of “country club Republicans,” Republicans-in-name-only, New World Order adherents, and outright liberals, is that the quintessential “outsider” has stepped forward to lead the seemingly forever-simmering but never-boiling revolt of the Republican Party base in what the apparatchiks are referring to as a “hostile takeover” of the Party.  They are obviously incapable of comprehending the fact that they’ve already lost control of the Party and that We the People are in the process of taking it over.  They also obviously think that they can stop this process by blocking Trump’s path to the nomination.  They’re wrong yet again. 



It is painfully obvious from the actions of the Republican Party hierarchy that the safety, security, and overall well-being of the Republic is at best a secondary consideration to their retaining their political power.  They are perfectly willing to sacrifice the general election to a serially-lying psychopathic felon so long as they retain their positions of power within the Party.  Indeed, they are absolutely ready to sacrifice the future of the entire country to preserve their status quo.  Stupidly, they haven’t yet realized that their status quo no longer exists and that no matter what their schemed perfidy entails, We the People are coming, and we’ve not only lost our sense of humor but also our capacity for mercy.

Excellent analysis! Trump bothers me a lot; but the GOP bothers me more. We have two major parties in the US, the Dems and the Rep. Each party must come up with a qualified candidate for the office of President of the United States.

Our population is over 300 million people. We can't come up wit...
  • March 8, 2016
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Safari Woman
I completely get it BlueMax! Although I haven't sealed in my heart who I am voting for yet. But I have to say, the more nasty the establishment gets in their activities the more plusses go on his card. The establishment GOP is imho in some ways even worse than the Dem party. At least they aren't hid...
  • March 8, 2016
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Dr. Carson just said pretty much the same thing! Annette and I will be early voting in the primary tomorrow morning for Trump. Hope you'll hop aboard!
  • March 8, 2016
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I caucused for Trump on the big Island Go Trump! My cousins work at his hotel and they luv it.
  • March 9, 2016
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Walter D.
Trump or Cruz, the hard core establishment already lost.
  • March 9, 2016
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Carl Spencer
I couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump when I know Cruz has a record but I will support him if he gets the nomination. I would vote for a pile of dog crap before I would see Hillary in the White House again.
  • March 19, 2016
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Janice  Vicks
Especially as president! Can you imagine Bill as the first lady?
  • March 20, 2016
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Saw Bill online yesterday. He looked weak and disorientated.
  • March 21, 2016
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