Safari Woman
I don't understand why her list of customers is protected! They were breaking the law like any other "John" . I want to know which of the presidential candidates were involved as it was stated there is one or more involvements.
  • May 1, 2016
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Joseph Ryan
I seen the so called black book list, it was not just a list of clients, but had her lawyer and other business ssociates.
  • May 1, 2016
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Safari Woman
There is something legally protected about the list because her lawyer is going to court to try to get the right to release it. I'm not sure what you saw but it must not have been the full list. 
  • May 2, 2016
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Safari Woman
BTW There were others who tried to break that story but they were dismissed.
And it wasn't Johnny Gosh - but there was a young man who had been one of those used by the mkultra group who escaped and made a video that I can't find who told a lot about it. This is ...
  • May 2, 2016
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Lucas Delgado
I have heard similar stories from a man who was previously in my group. He told them to me in tears. I think he was sincere.
  • May 4, 2016
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