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R. A. Schultz


“CIA denies report over mystery Russian who promised Trump info


Ian Timberlake


AFPFebruary 10, 2018


“Washington (AFP) - The CIA on Saturday categorically denied reports that it was fleeced by a mystery Russian who promised compromising information on US President Donald Trump.



“The secretive agency rarely issues any kind of comment, but came out to deny the report in The New York Times and a similar one in The Intercept, an online journal focusing on national security issues.



‘"The fictional story that CIA was bilked out of $100,000 is patently false," the Central Intelligence Agency said in a statement sent to AFP.



‘"The people swindled here were James Risen and Matt Rosenberg,’ the CIA said, referring to Times reporter Rosenberg, who wrote the story, and Risen, a former Times reporter who authored The Intercept's article.”




MY TAKE:  Of COURSE the CIA would deny Rosenberg’s very convincing account of their blundering efforts to recover the stolen hacking tools, but, methinks the lady doth protest too much.  The result is a sputtering attempt to “correct the record,” but, interestingly, no one has yet mentioned HOW these cyberweapons came to be stolen in the first place.



Oh, and by the way, just what were these stolen cyberweapons being used to do?  “MEDDLE” in foreign elections, perhaps?



Hmmmmmmm . . .


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