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After people get covid jabs Dr Ryan Cole's lab is seeing locked in lower profile of important Killer CD8 T cells that you want in your body, almost a reverse HIV. Those cells keep all other viruses in check. Likewise he has seen an uptick in Herpes Viruses, Shingles, Mononucleosis, Human Papillomavirus, Molluscum in general and with a twenty times increase in people over fifty which indicates to him the immune system in general has been weakened in vaccinated individuals. 

CD8 T cells also keep cancer in check. He is most concerned that since January 1st he has seen over twenty times increase in endometrial cancers over what he normally sees on an annual basis. He is also seeing evasive melanomas in younger patients. That type of melanoma which is normally thin when found early are now being found in a thick condition skyrocketing in the last month or two as well. 

He believes these are early signals that we are modifying the immune system to a weakened state with the vaccinations. He refers to a German study. 

WATCH VIDEO-> https://twitter.com/ToThe...  

More About Dr Ryan Cole -> https://www.idahostatesma...


Linda Mihalic
He's got Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin's support. Good!
  • September 6, 2021
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