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In Church we wrote down a prayer about something that happened in the past week and then read it out loud for our class . I think the story about the fire in Texas didn't get as much attention as what happened in Boston so I prayed for them. This is the prayer I wrote.

Our Father Who Art In Heaven,

Please give peace to all of the people in West Texas. Please comfort them and take away their pain. Please let those who were wounded heal quickly. Please let those who lost family and friends know that you love them. Help people who lost their homes and their jobs to find a way to get through the future. Please send angels to help them get through their days ahead.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.



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Safari Woman
Amen Lati!!! Thank you for posting a prayer for the people in West Texas. They really do need all of the prayers and help that they can get.
  • April 21, 2013
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✞★❤Lati Hall❤★✞
You are welcome
  • April 28, 2013
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Neither event was more horrific than the other and my thoughts are with all of the victims and their families.  The picture of the 'mushroom' cloud over Texas is imprinted on my brain as well as the face of the eight year old who was killed in Boston.  There's so much healing to be done!!  Keep the ...
  • April 22, 2013
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✞★❤Lati Hall❤★✞
Thank you Ms Calzone. I will.
  • April 28, 2013
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