Just received this and thought it much worth while to post. You will notice that cameraman does not remain in any one spot for very long, and he is probably pretending to talk into his iphone in order to take these, because in these countries, cameras are in many cases forbidden to used.  They do not want pictures of what they are really like as people.  Rather they  want to portray a 'good' face to the world until they can overcome and dominate; and then the realy don't care at all. 

My personal thoughts on their trying to knock down the cross -- I hope if they succeed it falls on top of them!  Note that the video is cut short after that. 


Here is the email I received:   Remember the president feels that we should not speak out against them since we might make them mad at us.  We should also let them into our country. Another sobering and thought provoking sight of a world in crisis... Lock and load……………………they’re coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A view of our Muslim friends who we helped free from persecution from Hitler & Colonel Gadhafi, this is obviously their way of saying thanks.

WW II - BritishMilitaryCemetery in Libya.

Every time a joke and or cartoon is made about the Koran, the wholeWorld turns upside down...!! And we are all called racists!!!!!!!!
However they appear to do what ever they like and no one saysAnything...and the majority of people remain SILENT.

See this video whilst it's available and before it is removed !!!

Watch here - not sure how long it will be available: http://www.youtube.com/em...

What can you say about this that hasn't already been said. 
Will it be feasible to repair and replace these stones?  If not, then we've had a human right taken away from us and they've won.  Next will it be churches?  If we allow them to get away with destroying Christian values and Western tradition...
  • May 6, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
There are far too many people who seriously think there are really nice Muslims.  I hear it all the time.  Of course they are nice to us right now; they have to be.  But wait till they are in charge, nobody is going to like this at all - guaranteed!  Trust me when I say it's not Russia we have to wo...
  • May 6, 2013
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Safari Woman
  • May 6, 2013
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Carl Spencer
People are silent because it disrupts the fantasy land they prefer to live in. We are aware of the dangerous place that we live in and when they wake up to it some day I believe these same people will point at us and blame us for not doing something. 
  • May 6, 2013
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Yes, they will.  It will be no different than when we question why "good Germans" allowed the persecution of the Jewish people.   Coincidentally, I just posted a description of an audio book that discusses this very subject.  Maybe you will read my comment ...........it's somewhere on here!   Title: ...
  • May 6, 2013
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Lucas Delgado
What a shame. 
  • May 9, 2013
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Susan McClaren
Our government hasn't condemned it either.
  • May 9, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
Nor is it likely that they ever will. 
  • May 11, 2013
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