Re-blogged from: https://genomega1.wordpre...

Here is an explanation as to what is happening with Child Protective Services! They aren't there to protect children from abusive homes...they are there for the Federal Monies they are given! Your child is just a piece of property that they can use to sell.

In three days time from confiscating your child...a team of Lawyers has been working around the clock to make a case against you! Most Parents within that time will be lucky to even get a Lawyer to take their case to fight for their parental rights and their child!

The whole system is against are already proven guilty before even stepping into a Court Room!


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Child 'Protective' Services: Govt. kidnapping for profit

Attorneys, Professors, and Judges Speak Out

Documentary by Paul Ciccotelli

Lawyers, judges, professors, and activists speak out on state sanctioned kidnapping occurs. Documentary by Paul Ciccotelli


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Dale Barnes
Nothing could be more upsetting than to realize the dangers that our children are in. What gets me is how many sorry parents there are who have a truck load of kids and then we read about good parents having their children snatched from their arms because they want a second opinion from a doctore. I...
  • May 10, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
This has been happening for many years Dale. The stories are just starting to come out into the open more now.
Folks have been brainwashed into thinking that a child that they are adopting has been abused...when that isn't necessarily the truth. Considering how many children have been snatched away f...
  • May 10, 2013
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