USA & World Politics

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Redneck Angel Warrior

The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left's boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display. I ...
Safari Woman

I'm still not ready to completely formulate my thoughts into words about this but I want to share it anyway. I think the date on this is Sept 14, 2014 but it isn't clear on the article which says, "Today is the annual Muslim...
Safari Woman

Meltdown alert!!!! Over at George Soros's seemingly favorite "Sheeple Slave Master" site,, (which I will not so lovingly refer to here forth as MoveOn.Borg) someone dared to start a petition asking DeBlasio to res...
Safari Woman

The interview shows clips of President Obama speaking of how his father grew up and herded goats and then Gilbert told Malik that Obama had deceived Americans when Obama stated that he would cut the deficit, support Israel, a...
Dale Barnes

What's next? These left wing morons in DC have endless stupid ideas and this one is up there near the top of the stupidest of the stupidest of them. The article says, "House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) has introduced...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: An undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood has turned up evidence that it sold “intact” fetal organs to at least one California company known as Stem Express. Stem Express charges $400 to $25,000 for stem cel...
Safari Woman

This page has been helpful for me being I was unable to follow this story today.  "Abdulazeez was believed to have been born in Kuwait, and it was unclear whether he was a U.S. or Kuwaiti citizen. (Anyone want to wager a gue...
Wanda Hope Carter

I got some inside scoops from a relative who works on St George St. The reports about what happened at the fort are attached below. What kind of security company runs a  training exercise without coordinating with law enforc...
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