Top Ten Lists

Safari Woman is online.

Finally! Americans acting like AMERICANS! Thank you to the truckers and vets who showed up to let the legislators in DC know how WE the people feel. Following are some of the best items found to date and this will be added to...
Safari Woman is online.

Since I started blogging in 08, I have seen several of my Democrat friends wake up over this time to turn away from their party to different degrees. I know of two that have left it altogether. It is because I care about thei...
Wanda Hope Carter

You might call me a recycling fanatic. Every week my curb containers contain more recycles than I have regular trash. I also save kitchen waste from fresh fruits and vegetables to compost which ends up in the "make my own soi...
Safari Woman is online.

Maybe the title should read persecutes rather than prosecutes. CHRISTIANS AND NON CHRISTIAN LOVERS OF FREEDOM please give the implications of this story some serious thought! I hardly know where to start in describing the st...
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