Top Ten Lists

Safari Woman

Maybe the title should read persecutes rather than prosecutes. CHRISTIANS AND NON CHRISTIAN LOVERS OF FREEDOM please give the implications of this story some serious thought! I hardly know where to start in describing the st...
Safari Woman

Did you watch? I didn't. Mysteriously missing from this morning's news is any report of the Nielsen ratings. Last year was a record low of 33.3 million. (Article posted below about lowest rating in 14 years is for 2014) I'm...
Wanda Hope Carter

You might call me a recycling fanatic. Every week my curb containers contain more recycles than I have regular trash. I also save kitchen waste from fresh fruits and vegetables to compost which ends up in the "make my own soi...
Wanda Hope Carter

From my experience with more kinds of luaus than I can remember, I made a list of important tips about how to have a luau whether you are in Hawaii or in your own back yard. First, there is not really a set of rules for a Haw...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: A recent story in EnergyGuardian (sub. req’d) centered on Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D-R.I.) support for the carbon “fee” bill introduced by his colleagues Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Fortunately,...

But you better. Check this out...   Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz: ‘Climate Change Is Urgent, Solvable, Human-Caused, and Real’  Th...
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