Helpful Tips & Freebies

Mark Bailey

If You Shopped at Target from November 27 through December 18, 2013 or Received Notice That Your Personal Information Was Compromised, You Could Get Money for Losses from a Data Breach Settlement. A Settlement has been propos...
Safari Woman

Meltdown alert!!!! Over at George Soros's seemingly favorite "Sheeple Slave Master" site,, (which I will not so lovingly refer to here forth as MoveOn.Borg) someone dared to start a petition asking DeBlasio to res...
Safari Woman

EUTimes is at it again! Of course - would we have expected less? EUTimes is a disinfo source related to Sorcha Faael, infamous internet hoaxer. Search the name, look through the old articles that all start out pretty much the...
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