Topic: democrats

Safari Woman is online.

Excerpts include the ten facts. Please read the article attached below for details. 1. This bill is amnesty.2. Democrats want this for politics.3. Latinos will not support the Republican Party if the Senate immigration bill i...
Safari Woman is online.

Links to news reports and related items, each of which contains food for thought. The announcement of Malcolm Shabazz being killed from Amsterdam News Excerpts:Several reports around the circumstances of his death, stilled u...
Safari Woman is online.

I've never thought about this aspect of the left before even though I have certainly been the target of their hate more times than I can count and even though I have noticed how they always seem to be on the attack. Now, for ...
Safari Woman is online.

Another member here, Lee, posted this about the incorrect assumption and claim by liberals that we have to take in these illegal children crossing our border as refugees. (Here)
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