Topic: democrats

Safari Woman

Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said Friday that he sent a letter to Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, charging him for all the illegals in his jail. What happened next? The Ohio sheriff told Dana Loesch: “The federal...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: "Friday, from the floor of the House of Representatives, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi attacked her Republican colleagues for their push of passage of two bills to deal with the ongoing crisis at the U.S. south...
Safari Woman

This site has come in handy for me so many times for the great page it has containing information about the first black persons in Congress. There are still thousands of images and articles out there and being passed around ...
Safari Woman

Another member here, Lee, posted this about the incorrect assumption and claim by liberals that we have to take in these illegal children crossing our border as refugees. (Here)
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: While President Obama operates outside the law repeatedly, apparently, the law holds no relevance for his subordinates either as the White House has refused to produce a top Obama aide who has been subpoenaed by the...
Redneck Angel Warrior

The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left's boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display. I ...
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